Category Archives: Global education

An Exciting Professional Development Workshop for Teachers

Here’s the info sent to teachers in various networks about our @PulitzerCenter Workshop: ATTENTION Philadelphia-area K-12 TEACHERS! Join us for a UNIQUE (AND FREE!) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY. The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting IS COMING TO PHILADELPHIA! WHEN: November 7, 2013. 4:30 – 7 pm (Dinner will be provided) WHERE: Independence Charter School – 1600…

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5 Reasons First Indian-American Crowned Miss America Represents Best Aspirations for “Modern” America

I didn’t watch Miss America, but now I wish I had.  Monday morning I woke up to a fascinating news feed about backlash on the winner, Miss NY, an Indian-American, and a first.  But just as her mascara-punctuated tears began to flow as the tiara graced her perfect coif, the haters on Twitter reared their…

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Building an Empathy Muscle: Five summer tips for getting children to think and care about people everywhere

Summer offers a perfect chance to explore – ideas, places, experiences. Ideally, it’s a time for playing outside, slowing down, trying a new hobby, and more family time.  Among the “muscles” I like to exercise, when not as bound by classroom exigencies, are those that go beyond anything a subject test can measure.  These are…

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Summertime with Kids: A Trip Around the World Via Local Neighborhoods

The internet is lighting up with things to do with the kids during our northern hemisphere summer vacation. There’s something for every helicopter- or free-range, unschooling- or intense-schooling parent; and yes, something for the “global” parents too.  Breaking out the passports and traveling abroad is the ideal, but for most families tickets to overseas destinations…

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