Category Archives: Global education

Unlocking the Secret of Global Education

This title might seem grandiose and dramatic, but I can’t stop thinking about what I think might just be the “secret sauce” of global education. Read the full article HERE: (this is the only article from the publication available free for non-members and non-subscribers). I wrote this piece for the Association of Childhood Education International,…

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Barefoot Books – CELEBRATE 25 Years of Meaningful, Beautiful Stories

Barefoot celebration

I’ve been honored to befriend and work with Barefoot Books over the past year. I’m inspired by the sincerity with which the entire team, led by Barefoot’s courageous and wise founder, Nancy Traversy, approaches their work, from publishing gorgeous, globally-inspired titles like The Barefoot Book of Children, their World Atlas, and countless stories. So, I’m…

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Step Outside Our Bubbles to Grow Good Kids

Following the 2016 US Presidential election it became clear that Americans, many of whom idealized a diverse, pluralistic, open-minded nation, had long – a really long – way to go. Pundits concluded that we lived in “bubbles” that don’t overlap information, media, friendships, or conversations. This seems like a fundamental issue that global citizenship, or raising…

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GEMS for Global Educators

ASCD’s Educational Leadership magazine recently devoted an issue to “The Global-Ready Student.” I was honored to contribute an article alongside esteemed global educators like Veronica Boix Mansilla, Tony Jackson, Julie Lindsay and Will Richardson. My article, Every Journey Begins With a Step, consisted of a “primer for building global competence in young students.” Abstract of…

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We Stood Up – Civil Rights Education Audio Anthology

As we embark on 2017, I’m reflecting on the notion that our role as educators (whether we are formal or informal teachers) to build reasoning and analytical skills, illuminate historical experiences, and strengthen empathy across perspectives feels more crucial than ever. With the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and Black History Month around the…

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