Category Archives: global competence

Fall 2018 Updates

If I’ve spoken with you in the past 6+ months, you may know that I am deep in two major themes/projects: At the intersection of global competence/citizenship and diversity, equity, inclusion. Events like the white supremacist rally one year ago in Charlottesville spurred my focus to greater intensity, and having the honor of attending the opening of…

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Some Quiet Lessons Behind the Courage of Today’s Youth Leaders

A few weeks ago I had the honor of keynoting at the United Nations General Assembly to international educators about global citizen leaders. In that talk I shared Nick Kristof’s recent observation: “The person in Davos who I thought exhibited the most leadership was Malala Yousefzai …When the most mature leader around may be a…

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Lessons from Netflix & The Little Prince

Netflix has a “culture” document that’s achieved great notoriety from diverse organizations and has even spawned a new book, Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility, published this week. Its core elements, might be summarized as “Radical Honesty.” Lately, I’ve been thinking and speaking about “Radical Hospitality,” where opening our kitchen table or other safe…

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Unlocking the Secret of Global Education

This title might seem grandiose and dramatic, but I can’t stop thinking about what I think might just be the “secret sauce” of global education. Read the full article HERE: (this is the only article from the publication available free for non-members and non-subscribers). I wrote this piece for the Association of Childhood Education International,…

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We Stood Up – Civil Rights Education Audio Anthology

As we embark on 2017, I’m reflecting on the notion that our role as educators (whether we are formal or informal teachers) to build reasoning and analytical skills, illuminate historical experiences, and strengthen empathy across perspectives feels more crucial than ever. With the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and Black History Month around the…

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#NCGS, #IREX, #IAWF, #SXSWEDU, #SXSWi, Beijing… Anyone Going?

I haven’t updated my speaking calendar on this website in a while, but between getting snowed in with the record storm last weekend, and the sheer anticipation of meeting and learning from amazing people around the world over the next few weeks, I’m excited to share a few upcoming events. Some of my most fulfilling…

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