Category Archives: Empathy

Feedback on a Day-Long Workshop

I recently received this generous comment from English Language Arts teacher Gretchen Miller after she took my day-long course called “Explore and Integrate Transformative Elements of Global Citizenship into Curriculum and Mindsets”: “After 12 years of teaching on three continents I feel, deeply, the vital responsibility to instill global and cultural competence in my students. During…

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The Icing on the Cake? Or the Cake?

Earlier this year, during a webinar I facilitated with the NEA Foundation on how to gain buy-in for global learning with outstanding teachers from across the U.S., one very engaged educator cited (with frustration) the push back she’s getting from colleagues. She’s hearing that global and cultural competence seem like “the icing on the cake, but…

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Notre Dame Academy – growing globally!

It’s been great working with Notre Dame Academy’s Center for Global Leadership as an adviser to their growing program; I’ve really enjoyed getting to know their staff, students and parent community. The collaboration between diverse interests at this all-girls school to advance global competence serves as a great model for how schools with even a modest…

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Fall 2018 Updates

If I’ve spoken with you in the past 6+ months, you may know that I am deep in two major themes/projects: At the intersection of global competence/citizenship and diversity, equity, inclusion. Events like the white supremacist rally one year ago in Charlottesville spurred my focus to greater intensity, and having the honor of attending the opening of…

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What Is Your Life’s Blueprint? Wisdom from Dr. King

On this Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, I love to join service efforts in my local community AND I’m always fascinated to dig deeper into the treasure of words and wisdom Dr. King shared. These inevitably go far beyond “I Have a Dream,” to reveal complex thinking, scholarship, and resolve, each at a remarkably profound…

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Unlocking the Secret of Global Education

This title might seem grandiose and dramatic, but I can’t stop thinking about what I think might just be the “secret sauce” of global education. Read the full article HERE: (this is the only article from the publication available free for non-members and non-subscribers). I wrote this piece for the Association of Childhood Education International,…

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