Tag Archives: world events

TEN WAYS SOCCER CAN HELP YOU GROW UP GLOBAL (excerpt from Growing Up Global – abridged version in previous post)

THE GAMES THAT UNITE US When my family was living in West Africa, we became accustomed to seeing almost anything that had been thoroughly exhausted as a source of food or fuel get kicked toward a goal. Bottle caps, tin cans that could no longer be reused as containers, rotted cashew shells, abundant unripe mangoes—all…

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Brainquake or Boobquake – Can we rid the ridiculous? (cross-posted at momsrising.org)

Women’s power has hit a new high – or a  new low, depending on your view of global politics.  Recently, a conservative Iranian cleric pronounced that women’s immodest clothing choices spur adultery and therefore increase the risk of devastating earthquakes.  I didn’t pay much attention to this ridiculous, fear-based statement, but I am fascinated by…

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